Elekto Documentation

Elekto is an open-source software for securely conducting election. Elekto was inspired by the long-running CIVS project and built to conduct kubernetes steering and community elections. The project is hosted and maintained by CNCF.

If you have reached here trying to vote in an online election, you are in the wrong place.

Elekto was designed to support the following:

  • 100% GitOps workflow for configuration and election administration
  • 100% Oauth-driven workflow for voters (no emails)
  • Preference election voting (starting with Condorcet)
  • Multiple elections for the same organization
  • Responsive web design
  • Secret ballot voting

This set of documentation covers Elekto version 0.6.X.


Overview of Elekto Project.


A guide for users: how to vote using Elekto.


Guide for running elections using Elekto.

Candidate Guide

Guide for candidates participating in an Elekto election

Installation and Setup

Start using elekto for your organisation.